Strada del Drosso project - Turin

The job in question involved the rehabilitation of a large wastewater pipeline located in Strada del Drosso in Turin using UV-CIPP technology.
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Local rehabilitation with AMEX

The local rehabilitation activity with AMEX involved the insertion of n. 3 rubber gaskets supported by steel tension belts, operating exclusively through the existing accesses without resorting to open excavations.
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The rehabilitation activity was completed in the period between 12 and 15 December 2023 with UV-CIPP technology at Corso della Constituzione in Pinerolo (TO).
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Rehabilitation Viale delle Industrie - Monza

The project in question involved the rehabilitation of one of the biggest wastewater pipelines in Monza using UV-CIPP technology, located between Viale Stucchi and Viale delle Industrie.
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